In the early 1960’s Foseco Inc., a British conglomerate, opened a plant on Sheldon Road in Brookpark, Ohio which made hot-top products for the local steel industry.

From 1962 until 1976 Foseco used thousands of tons of raw asbestos which has caused many of their former workers to develop asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Ohio Mesothelioma Legal Center has successfully obtained compensation for numerous former Foseco workers. Sadly, some of these workers only worked briefly at Foseco during summers to earn money for college only to develop deadly mesothelioma cancer decades later. They had no idea of the dangers they faced for the simple reason that they were never warned about the hazards of asbestos.
If you or a loved one worked at Foseco and suffer from mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis contact the Ohio Mesothelioma Legal Center.